Gun Rights Restoration - Your firearms rights can be denied based upon certain convictions (especially domestic violence, felonies, and drug crimes), the existence of civil protection orders, and other incidents in your past. If you choose to ignore the firearms disability, you are risking criminal prosecution and up to ten years in prison. However, there are often legal processes in place to restore your lost gun rights. Please contact our gun rights restoration lawyers if you have reason to believe that you are prohibited from possessing firearms, and are interested in regaining your Second Amendment rights.
You may be deemed to be under a federal firearm disability, and therefore barred from buying a firearm, if any of the following factors apply to you:
Convictions in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year (Felonies)
Fugitives from justice
Unlawful users of or addicts to any controlled substances
Those adjudicated as a mental defective or who have been committed to a mental institute
One, being an alien, is illegally or unlawfully in the United States or have non-immigrant visas
Dishonorable discharge from the Armed Forces
One who has renounced their citizenship
Convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
Protection orders include orders issued during court hearings. This includes agreed entries during a divorce or dissolution whereby an order is entered in the record for a party to refrain from harassing, stalking, or threatening, or other language that restrains one from conduct that would place an intimate partner or their child in reasonable fear of bodily harm.
Any gun owner who has purchased a firearm from a licensed dealer is very familiar with the ATF form 4473 – the extensive background questionnaire that is required by federal law. Unfortunately, though the background check program is very good, it is not foolproof. If you have been improperly “denied,” or “delayed,” there are legal ways to find and correct errors in your NICS criminal record. Let us help you “clear your name” and resolve those problems.
There are many reasons why one’s criminal background check could have errors or omissions.
National Instant Criminal Background Check System
NICs Denials
NICs Appeals
NICs & Background Check Appeals
Voluntary Appeals File Appeals
Legal Opinions
BCII Appeals
We are gun rights lawyers experienced at correcting such inaccuracies. It is crucial to ensure your criminal records are up to date and accurate for a variety of reasons to include, but not limited to, success in securing certain licensing or employment, expunging your record, obtaining a concealed handgun license or a multitude of civil rights afforded to those with non-disqualifying criminal backgrounds. Our gun rights restoration services include Ohio and throughout the United States.